Our Member Services contact centre will be closed from 12pm Wednesday 18 December and re-open 8am Thursday 19 December. During this time, you can leave a message with your contact details and we will call you back.
December 7th, 2014
An upgrade of the secure component of First Super’s website – First Online – is currently being finalised.
The upgrade will enable the remitting of superannuation contributions for employees by allowing employers to submit contribution data and new employee information using our secure website.
It will also enable employers to keep track of their transaction history records online.
The current software that operates First Super Online was scheduled to be replaced early in 2014.
However that was delayed due to a number of necessary hardware upgrades. The upgrades have now been made and the system is currently undergoing final testing.
The new site promises to be quicker, easier to use and will offer a more efficient way to manage your employees superannuation payments.
Employers will be able to enter contribution details for existing and new employees, pay contributions by EFT or BPAY, print reports, export information to Microsoft Excel, check online transaction history, search for and update employee records, terminate employees and modify account details.
The upgraded site will be available in the first quarter of 2015.
Full details on the new First Online site will be available closer to the launch date.
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