We have First Super Coordinators available in NSW and QLD. Find out how we can help you. Or contact us by calling 1300 360 988 between 8am and 6pm weekdays (AEDT).
September 19th, 2019
As employees receive their annual statements, now is the ideal time to book a super basics session at your workplace.
First Super helps our employers – as the ones who make superannuation guarantee contributions – to support their workers to make good decisions around managing their super savings.
We have a team of Member and Employer Services Coordinators based around the country. Not only can they visit you to help with your own queries about employer super obligations and administration, but they can also deliver super education sessions to your employees and provide general advice on our products and other super matters.
Super fund members receive their annual statements at this time of year. This means it’s the right time to book a super information session – supporting them to make the most of the super contributions you make on their behalf.
We can also offer tailored pre-retirement workshops to help employees over age 55. They can find out how to boost their super in the years as they approach retirement and learn the options open to them for taking their savings and making their money go further when the time is right to retire or reduce their working hours.
And if you have only recently signed up to offer First Super to your employees, our Business Development Managers can help you to navigate your super reporting requirements and stay on top of ever-changing super laws.
For more details on how First Super can assist you and your employees at your workplace, or for any other super queries, please contact the Employer Services Team on 1300 943 171 or mail@firstsuper.com.au.
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