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July 24th, 2020
The Federal Government has announced the creation of two new Regional Forestry Hubs to be created in Gippsland and Central West New South Wales. The $2.2 million funding of the hubs is central to the implementation of the National Forest Industries Plan.
Assistant Minister for Forestry and Fisheries Senator Jonno Duniam said the investment would support the vital forestry industries in both regions to drive new investment and create new jobs.
This seeding funding provided will help determine the priories for growth of the industry in these areas and what can be done to overcome the barriers.
Separately, the Victorian Government, in collaboration with the Commonwealth, will provide $4 million to Forest and Wood Products Australia over the next four years to establish the Gippsland Centre of the National Institute for Forest Products Innovation (NIFPI).
Opening later this year, the centre will be created as part of the Victorian Forestry Plan to promote research and development opportunities that will help to diversify the sector.
The initiative will complement future grants to individual businesses under the Victorian Timber Innovation Fund, assisting the industry to transition from native timber harvesting to plantation timber.
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