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July 28th, 2021
Ever wondered what’s different about Industry SuperFunds?
Since being established in the 80s, industry funds have always had one main driver: putting members first.
Here are three major ways they continue to do just that – and how it compares to retail funds.
1. Profits for members
Industry SuperFunds have the same goal you do: to save as much as possible for your retirement, so when you stop working you can still afford the things you need and live the lifestyle you want. They achieve this by keeping fees low and returning all profits to members.
Retail funds, on the other hand, aren’t just working for your retirement. Because they’re owned by for-profit parent companies, they have a responsibility to help generate profits that are then paid as dividends to shareholders, not to members like you.
2. A history of outperformance
The average industry SuperFund delivered over $30,885 more to its members than the average retail fund for the 15 years to 30 June 2020.* That’s around a year’s worth of modest spending for a single person in retirement, according to the ASFA Retirement Standard.**
You’ve probably heard super fund ads on the TV warning past performance won’t guarantee future performance. Completely true! But it is worth considering
a) why certain funds have performed better over time, and
b) whether it seems likely they’ll continue to perform strongly.
If you’re a hands-on investor wanting to pick your own stocks, retail funds may offer more diverse platforms for this – for a price. But if you’d rather focus on work, family, and the rest of your life, the expert hands of a high-performing industry fund have a track record of growing super faster.
3. Advice in your best interests
When it comes to seeking financial advice about your super, you may feel uncertain or even sceptical. After all, what guarantee is there that the advice you receive is right for you? Or that you won’t be paying more than you need to Industry SuperFunds are committed to providing quality, unbiased advice – so commissions or bonuses for financial planners are off the table.
They also believe in transparency, so if the advice you’re seeking isn’t covered by your existing membership fee, this will be disclosed upfront. This way, if what’s being offered doesn’t sit right, you can simply walk away, no strings attached.
How do you know you’re with an Industry SuperFund?
There’s only one symbol to look for – and only 15 funds carry it, including First Super.
First Super welcomes members from all walks of life but specialises in products and services for those working in your industry, giving us a unique understanding of the goals and challenges you face in building your super.
If you’re an employer looking to organise super for your workplace, call Employer Services on 1300 943 171.
*Past performance is not a reliable indicator of future performance. Comparisons modelled by SuperRatings as at 30 June 2020.
See www.industrysuper.com/assumptions for more details about modelling calculations and assumptions.
**ASFA Retirement Standard, December quarter 2020, superannuation.asn.au.
First Super Pty Limited (ABN 42 053 498 472, AFSL 223988) as trustee of First Super (ABN 56 286 625 181). This article may contain general advice which has been prepared without taking into account your objectives, financial situation or needs. You should consider whether the advice is appropriate to your personal circumstances and consult the Product Disclosure Statement before making any investment decision.
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