Our Member Services contact centre will be closed from 12pm Wednesday 18 December and re-open 8am Thursday 19 December. During this time, you can leave a message with your contact details and we will call you back.
November 18th, 2021
We know it’s not nice to think about, but it’s important to make sure you’ve signed the right paperwork telling us who you want to receive your super balance and any insurance benefits if you pass away.
You can tell us your wishes in any one of the following ways.
This person will continue to receive your pension payments if you die. They must be your spouse, a child under 18, or a child under 25 and financially dependent on you or with a disability.
You can leave us binding instructions about who should receive your money. Take care to nominate an eligible dependant person, or your nomination may not be valid. This nomination needs renewing every three years.
You can tell us who you’d prefer to leave your money to, but this request is not binding. First Super must follow tax and super laws when deciding who can receive super and insurance payouts.
Want to know more?
Read page 16 of the Pension PDS to learn more about reversionary beneficiaries. And check out our Nominating Beneficiaries fact sheet about who can be nominated as a beneficiary.
How to make a nomination
Complete the Nomination of Beneficiary form and send back to us. Or log into your firstonline account if you’re making a non-binding nomination and go to ‘Beneficiaries’ under ‘My details’.
Let’s talk
We can help you set up a beneficiary to suit your wishes. Call the Member Services Team on 1300 360 988 or email mail@firstsuper.com.au.
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