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May 2nd, 2023
If you’re a homeowner aged 55 or over, you can boost your super with proceeds from the sale of your main residence as part of the ‘downsizer’ scheme.
The ‘downsizer’ contribution scheme lets you make a lump sum contribution from the net sale proceeds of your main residence into your super. Until last year, only those aged 60 years and over were eligible to do this, but in 2023 the law has changed to include Australians aged 55 and above.
This means if you’re aged 55 and over, you can contribute $300,000 to your superannuation account from the proceeds of the sale of your home. If you have a spouse and you’re both aged 55 and above, you can make a total contribution of up to $600,000 from the sale of your home, with each spouse contributing up to $300,000 into their respective super.
Downsizer contributions can significantly grow your super, but you should know all the rules and restrictions before proceeding.
Here are a few things to consider:
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