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May 2nd, 2023
The rankings show only two funds’ Balanced investment options produced a positive result for their members in 2022 – and First Super’s was one of them.
First Super’s MySuper product was a top 10 performer in the latest results of the performance test for MySuper products.
APRA, Australia’s super prudential regulator, conducts an annual test for MySuper products to make sure funds are meeting performance benchmarks. The test has been running for two years and First Super has achieved a top 10 pass mark both times, demonstrating our ongoing commitment to delivering value for members.
While it’s great to see our strong performance recognised, it’s the feedback from our members and employers that is equally, if not more important to me.
First Super member Jill Little recently told us:
“My previous fund, I really did not have any contact with. We were unsure who to see or who to talk to. But with First Super, there’s always someone to talk to.”
“I now feel confident, comfortable and secure, that I know that my super is in safe hands. And it’ll be there when I need it.”
That’s the kind of performance data I really like to see.
To find out more about how First Super performed during 2022, and looking ahead to what we might expect in 2023, watch our latest investment update video with CEO Bill Watson.
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