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June 7th, 2023
As part of our approach to responsible investment, First Super has developed a tailored new International Equities strategy that will invest members’ money in global listed companies putting workers’ rights first.
The strategy will screen out firms that have high risk in labour rights, modern slavery and supply chain, while also seeking to generate long-term returns for members.
Because there were no suitable existing strategies available, First Super worked with IFM Investors to develop a customised solution that reflected the labour rights areas most important to the Fund.
The strategy aligns with the United Nations Global Compact Labour Principles, which is a call to companies to follow responsible labour practices.
The strategy will be regularly reviewed and adjusted to ensure the portfolio continues to reflect First Super’s ESG criteria.
IFM Investors is one of First Super’s fund managers. It is owned by Australian pension funds, and focuses on investing in assets that combine long term returns with broad economic and social benefits to the community.
We are proud of this step in our journey of responsible investing, and we look forward to continuing to support companies that do the right thing when it comes to labour rights.
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