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December 6th, 2023
In the November Market Update, Frontier’s Principal Consultant Kuek Chyuan (KC) Low discusses how the war between Israel and Hamas could impact oil and energy markets, and in turn financial markets.
Locally, KC examines the impact of the new RBA’s decision to raise the cash rate by 25 basis points to 4.35%. Due to the RBA’s increased concerns about inflation, financial markets now expect that interest rates will remain higher until at least the end of 2024.
RBA analysis is also showing an increase in household financial stress. As a result, households are likely to cut back on expenses, which flows through to corporate earnings, which could pose more risk to equity markets.
With Wayne Sullivan, Frontier’s Director of Marketing and Business Development.
Frontier Advisors provides asset consultancy services to the Trustee. The Trustee also engages Frontier Advisors to provide market and investments updates to members of First Super.
Frontier Advisors is responsible for the information in this presentation.
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