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August 9th, 2024
In the July market update, Dr Vivian Xu, Quantitative Research Consultant from the Frontier Capital Markets and Asset Allocation team talks about developments in the US and Chinese markets.
She highlights the declining inflation in the US, which has been encouraging for investors because we could be nearing the rate cutting cycle. While the US economy has remained strong, the unemployment rate is inching up, and a further increase in the next few labour market reports could raise concerns about a recession.
Next looking at China, Vivian discusses economic challenges and deflationary pressures. She notes the significance of the upcoming Third Plenum meeting amongst senior government officials which sets the tone for economic development in China over the next five years.
With Wayne Sullivan, Director of Marketing & Business Development.
Frontier Advisors provides asset consultancy services to the Trustee. The Trustee also engages Frontier Advisors to provide market and investments updates to members of First Super.
Frontier Advisors is responsible for the information in this presentation.
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