We have First Super Coordinators available in NSW and QLD. Find out how we can help you. Or contact us by calling 1300 360 988 between 8am and 6pm weekdays (AEDT).
September 19th, 2024
Welcome to the September edition of Members First.
I’m pleased to say it’s been another great financial year for our members.
In FY23/24, our Balanced (default) option returned 8.87%, which makes it 7.56% over ten years.1
Members can be confident of our long record of strong performance.
Financial returns are an important part of the super story, but being a member-first super fund means more than strong, long-term returns. It means support when you need it.
When we say we’re large enough to perform but small enough to care, we mean it. We’re here to support you on your super journey.
No matter your age or financial stage, there are steps you can take to grow your super – whether it’s reviewing your insurance, updating your beneficiaries, or starting to plan your retirement – and I encourage you to read this newsletter and learn about all the ways we can help you achieve a super retirement.
Also keep an eye out for your Annual Statement, which will become available in your firstonline account next month.
You can always check your super in firstonline, or via the First Super app.
And as always, we’re here to help. Contact Us
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