We have First Super Coordinators available in NSW and QLD. Find out how we can help you. Or contact us by calling 1300 360 988 between 8am and 6pm weekdays (AEDT).
You will need these numbers for filling out forms and rollovers.
If you have recently joined us or changed jobs you will need to provide our ABN and USI number to your employer.
Australian Business Number (ABN)
56 286 625 181
Unique Superannuation Identifier (USI) – replaces SPIN
Use the Employee Choice of Fund form to let your employer know you would like your SG contributions to be paid into your First Super account.
Employee Choice of Fund form
This letter confirms to your employer we’re a complying super fund. You will need to provide this to your employer along with your Employee Choice of Fund form.
Letter of Compliance
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