Our Member Services contact centre will be closed from 12pm Wednesday 18 December and re-open 8am Thursday 19 December. During this time, you can leave a message with your contact details and we will call you back.
First Super is an industry super fund for all Australians, but we have particularly strong links to the timber industry, the pulp and paper industry, and the furniture and joinery industry.
There are a number of employer and industry associations working hard to promote and grow these industries.
Here, you can learn a little more about them and contact them for further information.
TTIA provides practical help for people starting up their own business and for those looking to expand established operations in the forest and forest products industry. TTIA is an independent, non-profit, federally registered employer organisation.
Visit Timber Trade Industrial Association website or call them 02 9264 0011 for more information.
VFPA represents all elements of the value chain from the sustainable harvesting of plantations and multiple use natural forest resource including forest establishment and management, harvesting and haulage, processing of timber resources and manufacture of pulp, paper and bioproducts.
Visit Victorian Forest Products Association website or call them 03 9611 9000 for more information.
TFPA was formed in June 2020 and is a Committee of the Board of the Australian Forest Products Association (AFPA) under a special delegation. They have 14 founding members who are leading forest growers and processors in Tasmania.
TFPA represents all elements of the value chain from the sustainable harvesting of plantations and multiple use natural forest resource including forest establishment and management, harvesting and haulage, processing of timber resources and manufacture of pulp, paper and bioproducts.
Visit Tasmanian Forest Products Association website or call them on 03 6224 1033.
AFA is a peak association which represents the interests of the furniture sector from raw material supply through to the end user. They focus on building competitive and sustainable business models. To learn more about AFA, please visit their website australianfurniture.org.au or call them on 03 9856 1600.
FTMA is an independent, national organisation representing fabricators or and suppliers to the pre-fabricated timber truss and wallframe industry. They provide a unified voice to protect and advance the industry. To learn more about FTMA Australia, please visit their website ftmaaustralia.com.au or call them on 03 5962 3453.
ACFA’s primary role is to promote the viewpoints and interests of the furniture and furnishing related industries and to provide services to members in a broad range of areas including training, workplace relations, codes and standards. To learn more about ACFA, please visit their website acfa.net.au or call them on 1300 342 248.
MGA TMA’s primary role is to support its employer members with vital “back of house” areas of business that members may not have time, money or resources to focus on. MGA TMA (Timber Merchants Australia) is a distinct function within the MGA organisation. To learn more about MGA TMA, please visit their website mgaiba.org.au or call them on 1800 888 479.
TCA provides a national umbrella network structure for members within timber communities across Australia. It represents and acts in the best interests of communities which are associated with forest and timber sectors in Australia. To learn more about TCA, please visit their website tca.org.au or call them on 02 6282 2455.
AWA is made up of more than 500 window manufacturers and industry suppliers in Australia. They provide services to members that enhance their business opportunities and support their efforts. To learn more about AWA, please visit their website awa.org.au or call them on 02 9498 2768.
EWPAA provides technical information, advice on Australian and New Zealand building codes and standards, updates on forest and forest products certification and building materials performance. To learn more about EWPAA, please visit their website ewp.asn.au or call them on 07 3250 3700.
AFCA is the national body for harvesting and haulage contractors to engage with other industry sectors, politicians and the general public. To learn more about AFCA, please visit their website afca.asn.au or call them on 03 6343 3398.
FIFWA represents the forest industry in Western Australia. Its core function is to negotiate with government on behalf of the industry. To learn more about FIFWA, please visit their website or call them on 08 9472 3055.
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