Events and education. Smiling man looking at laptop at kitchen table.
Events and education. Smiling man looking at laptop at kitchen table.

A little knowledge can make a big difference

Make the most of your super with First Super’s webinars and face-to-face events.

You’ll hear from our team of qualified Financial Planners^ about the latest super rules and opportunities, so you can make informed decisions about your super.

To find events catered to your life stage, filter using the button that best describes you.

  • Still working: you’re currently working and have no plans to retire in the next five years.
  • Retiring soon: you’re starting to think about your retirement plans or planning to retire in the next few years.
  • Retired: you’ve just retired or are already a few years into your retirement.

Plan your retirement with confidence Tumut, NSW

90 minutes Register

Members in the Tumut, NSW region: you’re invited to join our ‘Plan your retirement with confidence’ seminar at the Club Tumut. Find out more.

Session Times
Thursday, 24 April 2025 REGISTER

FIRSTtalk: Transition to Retirement

8 minutes Watch now

Discover how a Transition to Retirement strategy could help you reduce your working hours or increase your super contributions.

Watch now

FIRSTtalk: Nominating your beneficiaries

8 minutes Watch now

If you’re single without dependants, or part of a blended family, how can you control who gets your super if you pass away? Our Financial Planners explore the importance of nominating beneficiaries in the latest FIRSTtalk.

Watch now

FIRSTtalk: Understanding your investment choice

7 minutes Watch now

Did you know First Super members can choose from five different investment options? But what’s the difference between these options, and how could your risk tolerance and age affect your choice? Our Financial Planners share their top tips on making an investment choice.

Watch now

FIRSTtalk: Why does super matter?

8 minutes Watch now

Does taking an interest in super when you’re young really make a difference to your expected retirement lifestyle? Our FIRSTtalk experts certainly think so. Watch our latest video to learn why super really does matter.

Watch now

FIRSTtalk: Why plan for retirement?

7 minutes Watch now

Our Financial Planners discuss why it’s so important to start planning for retirement no matter how old you are.

Watch now


Our qualified Financial Planners^ can help you make the most of your super
now and plan for your desired retirement lifestyle.

^Financial advice will be provided by or through Industry Fund Services Limited (ABN 54 007 016 195, AFSL 232514) and may be free of charge to you.