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Did you know your insurance could be cancelled if your super account becomes inactive?
Eligible First Super members receive insurance cover for Death and Total and Permanent Disablement (TPD) without having to apply. This is called default (automatic) insurance cover.
But if your super account becomes “inactive”, you could lose this cover.
If your super account has not received a contribution or a rollover for 16 months, it becomes inactive. A contribution or rollover includes super paid by your employer or yourself, or super you have rolled in from another fund.
Under superannuation law, we cannot keep providing insurance cover and charging insurance fees if your account becomes inactive. This means your insurance will be cancelled.
But you can stop this from happening.
If you want to stay protected and keep your automatic level of insurance with First Super, the good news is that you’re in control. You can elect to stop your insurance from being cancelled, but you need to let us know before it is cancelled.
You can keep your cover by:
If we don’t hear from you or receive a contribution, your First Super insurance cover will stop soon.
Automatic insurance includes 4 units of Death (including Terminal Illness) and TPD insurance.
You can check how much you have by looking at your Annual Member Statement, logging into firstonline or calling our Member Services Team on 1300 360 988.
Unfortunately, it is not as easy as just switching your insurance back on again.
You will need to meet some conditions, such as being in active employment on the last day of the 24-month period after reinstatement.
If not, then limited cover continues until you return to active employment for 30 consecutive days. You should read the Insurance Guide to find out more.
Still uncertain?
We’re here to help. Get in touch with our Member Services Team on 1300 360 988 or mail@firstsuper.com.au
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