Types of insurance cover. Get cover through your super. Image show person looking at First Super insurance page on ipad
Types of insurance cover. Get cover through your super. Image show person looking at First Super insurance page on ipad
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Types of Insurance Cover

We offer members three types of insurance cover for different circumstances.

You may receive some cover for Death and Total and Permanent Disablement (TPD) insurance automatically. This is called automatic (or default) cover. Find out more about automatic cover and check if you have any.

We also offer Income Protection cover. This is not automatic, you must apply.

Death (including Terminal Illness)

Death cover (also called “life insurance”) is a lump sum payment if you die or are diagnosed with a terminal illness. It can be used to pay off debts, funeral costs, and other bills.

Total and Permanent Disablement (TPD)

This is a lump sum payment if you become totally and permanently disabled. It can be used for ongoing bills such as mortgages and living expenses and for medical costs.

Income Protection

This is a replacement salary for up to two years if you can’t work because you are sick or injured.