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Investment performance 2023/24

Our investment returns were better than many larger super funds’ in 23/24

Our Balanced option returned 8.87% to super members and 9.71% to retired members in 2023/24, a result better than many larger super funds.

We delivered positive returns for all our investment options, with all besides super Cash exceeding their yearly and long-term targets.

While we are pleased with short-term results, when it comes to super it’s important to focus on long-term performance. Over the last 10 years, super Balanced has delivered a solid 7.56% return, and pension Balanced has returned 8.05%.


Investment option 1 year 5 years 10 years
Balanced (default) 8.87% 6.46% 7.56%
Shares Plus 10.79% 8.24% 9.54%
Growth 9.92% 7.38% 8.48%
Conservative Balanced 6.41% 4.47% 5.69%
Cash 4.35% 1.82% 2.08%


Investment option 1 year 5 years 10 years
Balanced (default) 9.71% 7.01% 8.05%
Shares Plus 11.86% 9.25% 10.29%
Growth 10.87% 8.35% 9.49%
Conservative Balanced 7.05% 5.08% 6.37%
Cash 5.12% 2.15% 2.43%

Past investment returns are not a reliable indication of future returns.

What contributed to our returns in 23/24?

Driving these positive returns were our investments in international and Australian shares, Australian infrastructure, Australian private equity, floating rate debt and Australian fixed interest.

International infrastructure didn’t meet its targets due to higher interest rates, inflation and asset specific valuations. Our Australian property investments which are mainly in offices underperformed, due to post-pandemic working patterns reducing their use.

On a positive note, retail property held up well, but we had less money invested in this sector.

Investment outlook for 2024/25

In August, the share market was shaky due to recession fears but has since improved, highlighting how quickly things can change.

Currently, the outlook for Australian office property isn’t great, but it may improve by mid to late 2025.

Interest rates are expected to fall in 2025, though this will likely happen abroad before in Australia. If inflation continues to fall, share markets might keep performing well, despite being at record highs.

Lower interest rates and moderating inflation could boost the value of property and infrastructure.

However, if conflicts in the Middle East, Russia, Ukraine, and Eastern Europe worsen this could impact markets, though predictions are uncertain.

Remember, short-term fluctuations in your super balance are normal. It’s important to think long-term when planning for your retirement. Stay informed about market volatility and your super.

We’re here to help. So let’s talk.

If you would like to know more about the investment returns or have any other questions, please don’t hesitate to call our Member Services Team on 1300 360 988, or email us.