We have First Super Coordinators available in NSW and QLD. Find out how we can help you. Or contact us by calling 1300 360 988 between 8am and 6pm weekdays (AEDT).
Your super account earns investment income at the Fund’s declared crediting rate. The crediting rate used will depend on the investment option(s) you have selected. More information about crediting rates can be found in the More About First Super booklet and the First Super Pension PDS. The actual returns are based on the performance of the underlying investments and First Super does not guarantee or promise any specific rate of return.
The higher the expected return target, the more often you would expect a year of negative returns.
$542.24 per year.
Estimate of fees and other costs for a member with a $50,000 balance who does not incur any additional activity fees. Investment fees are an estimate based on the 2023/24 financial year. Fees charged in subsequent financial years will depend on the actual costs incurred in those years. Past costs may not necessarily be an indicator of future costs.
The Standard Risk Measure allows you to compare investment options on the basis of investment volatility. The lower the risk band number, the less likely an investment option will deliver a negative return. The First Super MySuper product aims to have a lower risk band than the average MySuper option. The Australian Prudential Regulation Authority (APRA) requires all super funds use the Standard Risk Measure to grade investment options (see table below).
The strategic asset allocation provides a breakdown of assets that the MySuper (Balanced investment option) is invested in and the percentage invested in each asset.
If you require more information on how to pick the right MySuper fund for you, please visit the Money Smart website.
If you have any questions, please call our Member Services Team on 1300 360 988, or email us
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