We have First Super Coordinators available in NSW and QLD. Find out how we can help you. Or contact us by calling 1300 360 988 between 8am and 6pm weekdays (AEDT).
August 2nd, 2024
Here’s a look at what’s been happening in investment markets recently and what it means for your superannuation. Interest rates: will they, or won’t they? Expectations on when central banks will reduce interest rates have changed. Inflation remains stubborn and above the Central Bank range. This saw the US Federal Reserve and the Reserve Bank […]
July 17th, 2024
First Super is an industry super fund with roots in the paper, pulp, furniture and joinery and timber industries, and the CFMEU Manufacturing division is a shareholder which represents the best interests of workers in these industries. The Manufacturing division of the CFMEU is separate from the Construction division. The Manufacturing division has been successful in […]
June 17th, 2024
In the Investment Market update for May, Frontier’s Senior Consultant Shahana Mukherjee talks about inflation edging higher in the US and Australia in March. Cash rates have as a result remained unchanged in both countries. The increase in inflation rates has caused the RBA to revise its inflation forecast for the end of the year […]
June 14th, 2024
It’s important for us to occasionally review our marketing activities to ensure they are being used most effectively. As part of this, we’re conducting an online market research survey through research provider, BlissPoint Research (ABN 85 591 187 589). The survey will run from Saturday 15 June to Friday 28 June 2024. The survey will […]
May 24th, 2024
The start of the financial year 2024/25 will see some important changes to super. Here we explain how these changes could affect you, as well as how to make the most of them. Check you are getting paid 11.5% super From 1 July, your employer legally must pay 11.5% of your ordinary time earnings to […]
The financial watchdog ASIC has issued a warning about financial services companies making unsolicited calls offering to review or switch a person’s super into another fund. In some cases, this has resulted in people being pushed into moving their super to higher-risk, lower performing super investments, and charging unnecessary fees, which can reduce your retirement […]
With the end of the financial year approaching, it’s worth checking how you can maximise your super. The good news is, it’s not too late in the tax year to make some changes to boost your retirement savings. Here are some things you can do before June 30. Check your employer is paying compulsory super […]
April 18th, 2024
And some other common misconceptions about investing your super You may have heard many different beliefs about investing super from family, friends and colleagues, or in the news. Whether you are considering changing the way your super is invested, or simply want to learn more, it’s important to make sure you understand the facts, as […]
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