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First Super’s range of investment options gives you complete control and flexibility in the way your Transition to Retirement (TTR) Account or Retirement Income account is invested.
When you start your TTR or Retirement Income account, you will nominate an investment choice. You can choose one option or a combination of investment options.
If you don’t make a choice, we will invest your money in our ‘default’ investment option, the Balanced option.
You can make changes to your investment selection at any time. Your first two switches each financial year are free.
Any third and subsequent changes will incur an investment switching fee of $30 each.
Investment choice form
We offer a range of carefully curated investment options for TTR and Retirement Income accounts. Each option has a different return objective and level of risk. Watch the video to learn more.
Given your retirement could last for over 30 years, it’s important to have a long-term focus for your investment strategy. Investing over a longer time will help you ride out the ups and downs of investment markets, but provide a greater potential return.
It’s often tempting to switch to safer, low-risk investment options, such as cash, however over 30 years, these provide very little growth for your retirement savings.
We offer a range of growth and defensive investment options. Each have their own level of risk and return.
Growth based investment options offer higher potential rewards at a higher risk. They invest in asset classes, such as shares and listed property, that may change in value frequently.
However, over the long term, they provide high capital growth and higher returns than defensive options.
Growth based investment options: Shares option, Growth option and Balanced option.
Defensive based investment options offer a lower risk; however, this means the return may also be lower. These options are more suited to shorter investment timeframes.
Typical defensive assets include cash and fixed interest. They provide a small income and offer protection of capital.
Defensive based investment options: Conservative Balanced option and Cash option.
We’ve put together a handy booklet, Investing Your Super guide, covering all our investment options and how your Retirement Income account is invested.
It’s important to check in regularly to see how your retirement investment is performing.
As you move through retirement, your circumstances and financial goals may change. Checking that your investment strategy is still meeting your needs is critical.
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Keep up to date with the latest investment news through our regular member investment update.
Jam packed with interesting information on the recent performance of investment markets and predictions for the future, you’re sure to find these interesting.
Working out your investment strategy can be overwhelming, which is why we’re here to help.
We can step you through the options available, discuss how much investment risk you are prepared to take and the type of return you’re looking for. Then together, we can work out the right strategy for you.
Everyone’s circumstances are different, so having a strategy tailored just for you can reap rewards in the long term.
Our financial planners can help you with your investment strategy and answer any questions you have.
There’s no additional cost to you, as its covered by your administration fee. Book a meeting with one of our financial planners online or call 1300 360 988.
When you’re ready to make a change to your investment strategy, you can download the Investment Choice form.
Return the completed form to:
First Super PO Box 666 Carlton South, VIC 3053
Or email the form to us: mail@firstsuper.com.au
Changes to investment choice are processed weekly, on a Friday (or next business day if Friday is a public holiday).
Your completed Investment Choice form must be received by First Super no later than 5.00pm on a Thursday to be processed the next day. We will confirm in writing when the requested changes have been made to your investment choice.
Don’t forget we’re always here whenever you need us. We can help answer any of your general investment questions. Call our friendly Member Services Team on 1300 360 988.
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