We have First Super Coordinators available in NSW and QLD. Find out how we can help you. Or contact us by calling 1300 360 988 between 8am and 6pm weekdays (AEDT).
It’s an exciting time. You’ve spent most of your life working hard and building your retirement savings. Now it’s time to work out how you may enjoy them.
Here are some key questions to start your retirement journey.
A 30 – 40-minute Retirement Health Check will answer:
You have nothing to lose and plenty to gain by booking an appointment today.
Ray joined First Super a few years ago. Thinking about his retirement, he didn’t want to rely on the government Age Pension. He spoke with one of First Super’s financial advisers who created a retirement plan.
The cost of his retirement plan was already covered by his First Super membership fees. To his surprise, he may be able to retire earlier than he thought and with money ‘in his pocket’.
Our Member Services Team really enjoy talking with members about super and retirement.
So, if you have any questions about First Super, we’re ready to help. Call 1300 360 988 or send us an email.
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