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Spouse contributions

Saving together for a better retirement

There may be times when your spouse or partner1 may need to take time out from the workforce or reduce their working hours before retirement age. This can impact their super, leaving them with less savings in retirement. You can help them grow their super by making extra contributions into their super account.

There are two ways you can make contributions

  • After-tax spouse contributions
  • Before-tax contribution splitting

Spouse contributions

A spouse contribution is a voluntary (or after-tax) contribution made to a fund held in your spouse’s name.

Tax offset for spouse super contributions

You may be able to claim an 18% a tax offset (up to $540) each financial year by making $3,000 after-tax spouse contribution. You can claim this offset when you complete your end of year tax return.

The spouse contribution offset starts if your spouse earns less than $37,000 a year. The offset gradually reduces the more they earn. The offset ends when your spouse earns $40,000 a year or more.

For more information, visit the ATO website.

How to set up after-tax spouse contributions

You will need your spouse’s super account details to pay into their super. You can pay through BPAY®.

If your spouse is a First Super member, they can login into their account and provide you with BPAY® details.

Spouse contributing splitting

You can split up to 85% of your before-tax contributions into your spouse’s super fund account instead of yours. Your spouse must be under the age of 60 or aged 60 to 65 and not retired.

For more information, visit contribution splitting on ATO website.

Growing your super together

If you and your spouse or partner are looking at the best way to grow your super, consider a Super Health Check with one of our Financial Planners. It’s included with your First Super membership, so get in touch.

We’re here to help. So let’s talk.

If you would like to discuss spouse contributions, or have any other questions, please call our Member Services Team on 1300 360 988, or email us.

1Who qualifies as a spouse or partner?

Someone with whom you are living together on a permanent bona fide domestic basis and to whom you are legally married; or with whom you are in a de facto relationship.