First Super female coordinator talking to a female member. Text says Women and super
First Super female coordinator talking to a female member. Text says Women and super
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Take control of your financial future

On average, women retire with $85,000 less super than men in Australia¹.

This is for a few reasons: women are more likely to take time out from the workforce to have children or care for family, and to work in part-time or lower paid roles1.

The good news is taking a few simple steps today can make a big difference to your retirement savings and future financial security.

Eight simple steps to improve your retirement savings

1. See how your super is tracking

Check your super balance – you can do this through firstonline, or our mobile app. As a First Super member you have access to a range of financial advice services, many of which are already included in your membership fees. No matter your age, or how much super you have, everyone can benefit from financial advice. To get started, book a 30-minute super health check to see how your super is tracking.

2. Combine your super accounts

Having more than one super account means you’re paying duplicate sets of fees and costs. In just a few minutes, we can help you find other super accounts in your name and combine them into your First Super account. Log in to firstonline and go to ‘My Transactions’ to get started, or call us on 1300 360 988.

3. Review your investment choice

You can choose how your super is invested. First Super offers five different investment options, each with different returns and risk levels. Making an investment choice involves several factors including your age, how long until you retire, and your risk profile. Our Advice team can help you work out your risk profile and the investment choice most suited to your personal circumstances.

4. Check your insurance – could you be paying less?

Insurance through your super account can provide a financial safety net for you and your loved ones should the unexpected occur.

It’s worth checking your current level of cover and your occupation category to make sure it’s suitable for the type of job you do, and to see if you could pay less. All members are automatically placed in the Blue collar/manual category, unless you tell us differently. This category is considered higher risk, so members pay slightly higher premiums. If you are in what is considered a white collar/non manual or professional job, your premiums could be lower.

To check or change your current level of cover, log in to your firstonline account or call us on 1300 360 988. Our Advice team can help you review your insurance and make any adjustments to suit your needs. This service is offered at no additional cost.

5. Take your First Super account with you

Have you recently changed jobs or thinking about it? Be sure to take your First Super account with you when you move to a new role. We have strong long-term investment performance3, competitive fees and, as an industry fund, all profits are returned to you.

6. Contribute a little extra

For many people, the contributions from your employer may not be enough to enjoy a comfortable life in retirement. This is where extra contributions can help.

Because super is a long-term investment even small amounts, contributed regularly, can make a real difference to your retirement savings. You can choose to make before-tax or after-tax contributions. This can also be a good strategy if you have less super due to taking time away from work to care for your family.

7. Get a government super boost

If you’re able to pay a little extra into your super, you may be eligible for a super boost of up to $500 through the government’s co-contribution scheme.

8. Consider spouse contributions

If you are taking some time out of the workforce or earning under $40,000 per year2, your spouse (married or de facto) can make extra contributions to your super account, and may receive tax benefits for helping you out.

We’re here to help, so let’s talk

If you have any questions, contact our Member Services Team on 1300 360 988, or email us, or use the Live Chat.

Explore more resources

How First Super supports women at work

At First Super, we believe in putting people first – whether that’s our members, our staff or the communities we invest in. We are committed to supporting and ensuring a diverse and inclusive working environment in which everyone is treated fairly and with respect.

We aim to ensure gender balance across the Fund. Currently, our team is made up of 53% women and 47% men.4

Six of First Super’s 13 Board directors are women. 40% of our executive team are female, with three men and two women.4

We have several policies5 in place to support gender equality at First Super:

  • Our recruitment and selection process is structured to be inclusive of a wide range of candidates.
  • We set practical targets for senior leadership and Board positions to ensure an accurate and fair representation whilst maintaining the highest skill level and suitability for the position.
  • We offer a range of leave options to employees, including prenatal leave and parental leave.
  • We offer staff 13.5% superannuation, including on paid parental leave.
  • We offer flexible workplace arrangements to meet the needs of our employees and take external commitments and responsibilities into consideration.

1 Super Guru – Women and Super
2 Including total reportable fringe benefits amounts and reportable employer super contributions (RESC) for the financial year.
3 Past returns are not an indicator of future returns.
4 For more details, read our latest Diversity and Inclusion Report.
5 Read our Diversity and Inclusion policy for more information.

First Super Regional Coordinators and Member Services Team can provide general advice only. First Super Financial Planners are authorised representatives of Industry Fund Services Limited (ABN 54 007 016 195, AFSL 232514) and can provide personal advice tailored to your objectives, financial situation and needs. Issued by First Super Pty Ltd (ABN 42 053 498 472, AFSL 223988), as Trustee of First Super (ABN 56 286 625 181). Past returns are not an indicator of future returns. This page contains general advice which has been prepared without taking into account your objectives, financial situation or needs. You should consider whether the advice is appropriate for you and read the Product Disclosure Statement (PDS) before making any investment decisions. To obtain a copy of the PDS or Target Market Determination please contact First Super on 1300 360 988 or visit our PDS & Publications page.