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If you plan to move to New Zealand, you can transfer your superannuation and KiwiSaver transfer back to a KiwiSaver fund of your choice in New Zealand.
Before you transfer your retirement savings, you must:
*You can use a statutory declaration, declared and witnessed in New Zealand, to prove you have permanently emigrated to New Zealand.
If you are a member with First Super you will need to provide us with the following information so we can transfer your balances into your new KiwiSaver account:
After we receive all of the above documents, we can go ahead and process your request.
Once your Australian super fund savings are in your KiwiSaver fund, they are generally subject to New Zealand’s retirement savings rules.
Some rules apply only to money transferred from an Australian super fund to a
KiwiSaver scheme, for example, it:
For more details on transfers into and out of KiwiSaver schemes, check the New Zealand Government’s KiwiSaver website or contact your KiwiSaver scheme directly.
Retirement savings you transfer to New Zealand from Australia are held in your
KiwiSaver fund account in two parts:
To access the Australian-sourced component, generally you will need to be 60 years old and fully retired.
To access the New Zealand-sourced component, you will need to reach the New Zealand age of retirement (currently 65 years old).
A transfer from a participating Australian super fund to a New Zealand KiwiSaver fund is not taxed. You can also withdraw funds tax-free from your KiwiSaver fund once you are legally allowed to access them.
There are no limits on how much you can transfer from an Australian super fund to a KiwiSaver fund. However, you must transfer the whole balance of your Australian fund.
If you move back to Australia again, you can only transfer the KiwiSaver component to an APRA KiwiSaver transfer accepting fund. You need to provide a statement to your Australian super fund showing which components of your savings (Australian or New Zealand) were previously counted toward the Australian non-concessional contributions cap.
The statement also needs to show the different components (such as tax-free and taxable) of your retirement savings, so they retain that status when transferred back to Australia.
If you don’t provide this statement, all your savings will be counted towards the non-concessional contributions cap and you may have to pay excess contributions tax. Also, all the components of your Australian-sourced savings will become taxable and you may be liable for additional tax.
If you would like to discuss a KiwiSaver transfer, or have any other questions about your super, please contact our Member Services Team today on 1300 360 988, or email us mail@firstsuper.com.au.
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